"Elba 2035: A New Step Towards Sustainable Development”. Here’s the Schedule for the 5th of October’s Webinar.
"Elba 2035: A New Step Towards Sustainable Development". Here's the Schedule for the 5th of October's Webinar.
A week from #ELBA2035's debut among the events scheduled for the Week of Sustainable Development promoted by ASviS, the Alliance reuniting over 270 of the most important institutions and networks of Italian civil society, the moment has come to present the rich programme planned for the Webinar taking place on the 5th of October, titled "Elba2035: A New Step Towards Sustainable Development".
Debate shall begin at 11:00 with institutional greetings from Fabio Murzi, President of Acqua dell'Elba, Riccardo Giovannini of EY Sustainability - Climate Change and Sustainability Services and Norman Larocca, Director of Marketing, Communications and CSR at Acqua dell'Elba. They shall be followed by Gianni Bottalico (ASviS Manager of Relations with Regions, Municipalities and Territorial Entities) speaking on "The Role of Local Territories in the Relaunch of Italy's System"; Francesco Petracchini (Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution and Technical Representative of the Minor Islands Observatory at CNR, Italy's National Research Center) speaking on "The Ecosystem of the Islands: An Overview of the Islands Analysed by the Minor Italian Islands Observatory in conjunction with CNR-IIA and Legambiente"; Ilaria G. Neirotti (EY Sustainability - Climate Change and Sustainability Services , Strategy and Innovation) speaking on the topic "Sustainable Tourism. What are the Key Themes?"; and, finally, Luigi di Marco (PPC Architect, National Advisor of AIAS and author of the paper "Policy Objectives for Sustainable Development and European Policies of ASviS"), who will focus on the subject "Environment and Beauty of Local Territory: Which Opportunities Do We Have Today to Finance Sustainability?".
The whole debate shall be moderated by Enzo Argante, Responsibility Editor, FORBES Italia.
This encounter will be an excellent occasion to raise awareness about Elba2035 among the general public, as well as to start organising the first day of activities, which shall the take place on the next 19th of October at the Headquarters of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, on Isola d'Elba. An important moment indeed, which shall see reunited all of Isola d'Elba's most important stakeholders from the worlds of politics, culture, environment, tourism and education, as well as all municipal administrations, the Tuscan Archipelago National Park organisation, Legambiente Arcipelago, the Isola d'Elba Foundation, the main associations and economic drivers of the island, students and citizens alike. The final objective of the project? To draft the first Sustainability Manifesto for Isola d'Elba. A concise, programmatic document about the vision of the future the inhabitants have for their own island, centred on sustainability and the achievement of the objectives set out by Agenda 2030, which shall be followed by specific plans hopefully generated through partnerships between the public and private sectors as well as associations, working together to realise such shared vision. A true "unicum" not just for Isola d'Elba, but for the whole Country.
Keep following us on our social media to find out about the next updates and the information you need to join the Webinar.