Sustainable Tourism, Society and Beauty of Local Territory: here are the topics for the #Elba2035 workshops.
Sustainable Tourism, Society and Beauty of Local Territory: here are the topics for the #Elba2035 workshops.
Some time has passed since we first started talking to you about #Elba2035. Though this project only started last year, in a very short time it has already expanded, developing in content as well as ambitions: starting from the drafting of the First Sustainability Manifesto for Isola d'Elba with the ultimate purpose of elevating the quality of life of the island and its inhabitants, those of today as well as those of tomorrow.
Thus, we decided to start by involving the youngest, so we listened to the voices of the students from the Istituto Superiore Raffaello Foresi, then we interviewed 12 "Visionaries" from various sectors of Elban society as well as national sustainability experts; we organised a Webinar, promoting our multi-stakeholder approach and showing how to act together, as a network, even in small territories such as islands, is indispensable in order to achieve a sustainability revolution, so that these territories themselves may act as a driver for the relaunch of the whole country.
Today, just before the #Elba2035 event planned for the 5th of October as part of ASviS's Sustainability Festival, and before the beginning of activities planned for the 19th of October, we would like to discuss the key themes and topics which will characterise the three workshops involving the Island's most important stakeholders from the sectors of politics, culture, environment, tourism and education.
The first major theme is that of "Sustainable Tourism". At its basis lies the search for an answer to the question, "How can we create a touristic model which is capable of driving benefits for the local community and improving the offer for visitors, whilst at the same time respecting the natural resources of the island?". This reasoning connects with mobility and transport: public, private, external mobility from/to the island by means of ferries, which in turn is related to the supply chain of the island, as well as air and railway connections.
The second workshop, "People, Society and Culture", shall focus on a path of appreciation and development of the territorial identity which is formed by culture, education, health and safety, history; on the redevelopment of city centres, so as to generate opportunities and attractions both in terms of financial and human capital, as well as on the safeguard of every citizen's rights.
Finally, the third topic, "Environment and Beauty of the Local Territory": how can we appreciate and develop our landscapes? In particular, how do we maintain their beauty whilst planning a sustainability revolution impacting energy, water and waste management systems? It is starting from these questions that we shall develop a free-ranging debate about depuration of water, waste management and Plastic and Paper Free strategies, about renewable energies and the possibility of Carbon Neutrality, with the final objective of guaranteeing the island's total independence regarding natural resources.